Monday, January 30, 2017


Dear Matthew
Christmas Day started with us opening presents under the Christmas tree at our house. You received a couple of presents from Santa including a skateboard which you love. We then headed over to Ma Ma and Gumps where we had our traditional Christmas morning breakfast of waffles (or just ice cream if you're you :) ).
We then opened presents and you loved the soccer net and ball that you got given. The running joke was Andrew constantly receiving alcohol. Your Ma Ma finished the quilt she started for me when 14 and gave it to me which was a great surprise.
Your Grandad joined us for lunch and Jennette and John also stopped by for a quick drink later in the afternoon.
We spent the evening eating copious amounts of delicious leftovers and swimming in the pool. It was a relaxed and fun Christmas Day.
Looking forward to next year's already!
Love you my little elf,
Mum xxx


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