Monday, January 30, 2017

Christmas Eve

Dear Matthew
I have to apologise for posting all about Christmas in January, however this has been a very full on month and I'm obviously still playing catch up!
To ensure you don't have a thousand photos on one post I've divided up the days between Christmas and New Year where we celebrated the season with family, starting with Christmas Eve.
Christmas Eve 2016 was spent with your dad's side of the family (other than Grandad and Maree, but Grandad joined us on Christmas Day). We had a lovely barbeque down at Matilda Bay. Nanna and Darryl had brought their kayaks/wave skis down with them and you loved going out on the water with anyone who would take you! You freaked me out a few times as you were lying over the side of the skis quite a way, pointing out the seaweed and I had to grab you a every now and then as I thought you were definitely on your way in.
You were given some wonderful presents other than one from your aunty Chantel which was a recorder (no doubt pay back for the loud/glittery presents we have given her kids over the years). You almost got bitten by a black swan too but thankfully he missed you.
It was a lovely Christmas Eve and you were absolutely exhausted afterwards, falling asleep in the car on the way home around 4pm only to wake up at 8am on Christmas morning. It was a beautiful, relaxed day and I'm so glad we decided to spread out our Christmas gatherings this year so things aren't rushed.
Love you my water bay,
Mum xxx


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