Monday, February 13, 2017

First day of pre-kindy

 Dear Matthew

On Wednesday 1st February 2017 you officially had your first day of school! Well, of pre-kindy anyway! I can't believe how quickly this day arrived - the last couple of years have absolutely flown past and now I'm doing drop offs and pick ups! Crazy.

Anyway I wasn't sure how you were going to go on your first day as you've never been to daycare nor spent time away from a family member. I had been speaking with you over the summer about what was going to happen at pre-kindy, who your teacher was and constantly reassuring you that mummy would go to 'work' but, like always, she would 'come back'.

The first session you didn't have any issues with drop off, just kissed me goodbye and said 'see you later mummy!'. I was so proud! You had done it without having a breakdown - so independent! When I picked you up at the end of the session Miss Blair (your teacher) said you'd gotten a bit upset when you were asked to sit on the mat but didn't want to, but I still considered it a win!

Unfortunately the following week's session I must have fed you something dodgy because you ended up vomiting during the session but were otherwise fine. Hooray!!

So proud of my beautiful boy growing up and enjoying spending time with your teachers and friends. Hopefully it's the start of a wonderful school experience.

Love you,

Mum xxx

P.S. Below are some of my favourite photos of you, ever!

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