Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Watching the planes, lions and ducks!

Dear Matthew

The past couple of weeks we’ve had a lot of fun getting up to some great activities.
For starters we visited Jandakot airport so that you could watch the planes and helicopters take off and land. They even had a designated area with picnic style seating, grass and a café set up just so people can enjoy the action on the runway! Apparently it’s been around for 16 years but I had no idea.
Last weekend we went with your Ma Ma to a local night market in Melville and checked out the stalls (it was at the Dr Seuss park so you also had plenty of fun playing on the playground). They also had a Chinese group who put on traditional music and lion dancing. I have always LOVED lion dancing, the rhythm and colours are amazing to watch, and you were pretty good with it until the lion got right up in your face! You then clung on to me and your Ma Ma for dear life!
Yesterday we went back to Yunderup for afternoon tea and dinner at Aunty’s house. Uncle Bruno was very kind and took us all out for a ride on his boat to spot the ducks, which of course you loved. We then had a very Italian dinner of cutlets in tomato sauce and salad. You also enjoyed trying to catch nets in the bait-less crab nets (who would have guessed that we didn't catch any crabs? You were still very eager to check though) :) What was extra awesome was that we drove all the way down and back to Yunderup without you getting upset at all- how far we have come! My little baby boy you wouldn’t drive more than five minutes without screaming now travels so easily!
Love you my darling,
Mum xxx


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