Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Ella's 8th birthday

Dear Matthew

Last Saturday we celebrated your cousin Ella turning 8. We came around to her house in the afternoon and you enjoyed a nice play in the pool with all the kids. We then had a yummy roast together and Ella opened her presents. You loved playing with Harrison of course and eating jelly and birthday cake!

Afterwards we played cake smash which is game where you get splattered in the face with whipped cream. This was great fun despite getting splattered myself! You also enjoyed colouring with the kids and spending time with your grandparents.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - some of my best relationships are with my cousins and many of my childhood memories revolve around having fun with them, so I'm so pleased that you get to experience that too.

Love you,

Mum xxx


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