Thursday, March 2, 2017

You're going to be a big brother!

Dear Matthew
Now might be a good time to let you know that you're going to be a big brother! Your little sister or brother is due at the end of August (I have this feeling he/she will be joining us on 1 September but his/her official guess date is the 22 August).
We are very lucky to have fallen pregnant when we wanted to (just like with you) and count our blessings for there being no (known) major issues at this stage. I am yet to have a midwife appointment or ultrasound yet but should have both within the next month or so.
You seem pretty content with a baby joining the family but your dad and I are fairly certain this is simply because you can't comprehend at this stage what's going to happen! When the baby starts kicking at a strength you can feel it might become a bit more real, and in any event will definitely be felt when bub comes home with us!
When we initially asked you whether you thought the baby was a boy or girl and whether you wanted a brother or sister you said girl and sister (my intuition says the same) but your dad's convinced it's another boy so we'll just have to wait and see. Your dad is finding out at the ultrasound but I would prefer to be surprised on the day. Here's hoping he can keep it a secret for up to 5 months!
This pregnancy I am using a midwife as opposed to an obstetrician and birthing at King Edward Memorial Hospital to try and increase our chances of having a natural birth. I found it very difficult to cope mentally with how your birth happened (although of course we were overjoyed with the outcome of a perfect baby boy) and sought trauma counselling about six months ago to help me cope. Fingers crossed this baby isn't born via caesarean given it will restrict me being able to pick you up for cuddles for a few weeks!
We are very excited despite only being about 16 weeks in and can't wait to give you a sibling.
Love you,
Mum xxx

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