Saturday, December 30, 2017

More Christmas crafts, baking, dinners and tree decorating!

Dear Matthew and Toby,

It's certainly been a jam packed month! Here's a few of the things we've been up to:

Matt decorated some pots for the great-grandparent's Christmas decorations.

We had fun visiting the local school's fair where you got to 'drive' a fire truck and play with and feed some farm animals. 

We had our annual early December dinner at our place with my side of the family where we put up the tree and watched Christmas vacation. Your aunty Robyn had just been to a cake baking course the previous day so we got to eat the beautiful cake she'd made, and of course sing happy birthday to Matt before we could slice into it :) Ma Ma also made you both matching Christmas outfits which you wore throughout December to any Christmas function. 

Matt, when you were born I asked your aunty Robyn to start a tradition with you where you decorated a gingerbread house together prior to Christmas. For the first few years you were just too little to do this but this year you really got on board and loved decorating the house aunty Robyn had made for you with help from her boyfriend Kieran.


Lastly (for this post anyway because it's getting late and mum needs some sleep!), a few Fridays ago we had our Christmas catch up with Mother's Group where Matt decorated some shortbread with the kids and exchanged presents. We then went to Fired! in Joondalup where Matt decorated a Christmas decoration. This was a tradition of your friends Thatcher and Marlow that we joined for the first time and you really loved painting the decoration, which will now go in the kiln and we'll pick it up in a few weeks. 

So as you can see boys it's been a jam packed December! But it's been magical, we've had some beautiful times with family and friends and started and maintained some wonderful traditions. Thank you for making Christmas such a special time Matt and Toby.
Love you both,
Mum xxx

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