Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Point Walter and the Zoo

Dear Matthew and Toby
We've had a bit of a lazy, relaxed start to the new year. A couple of nice things we've done are heading to Point Walter with your cousins for a picnic and a trip to the zoo with Ma Ma and my cousins.
The day we choose to head to Point Walter was a beautiful sunny day with a nice amount of breeze, but there was a fire in the hills and as the day progressed the skies got darker and darker, and there was even ash flying through the air. Matt, you and Harry had a brilliant time shooting water pistols at each other while the girls doted on Toby. I love that we visit Point Walter regularly, especially with your cousins, as it's a place where I used to visit with my cousins as a kid too, walking the sand bar and jumping off the jetty.
We visited the zoo (and Ma Ma got a membership too!) in early January before my cousins headed back to Queensland and Matt, you had fun showing everyone the animals. We were there during the penguin feeding and the elephant show and you enjoyed sitting up the front with a few of the girls during it. They certainly doted on you and in the days following their departure you have gone searching the spare rooms at Ma Ma and Gump's house for them to no avail (although Libby has stayed on to nanny for some of my cousins).
It's been a lovely start to 2018.
Love you boys,
Mum xxx



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