Tuesday, February 27, 2018

A thank you to Matthew

Dear Matthew and Toby
Being the oldest kid in my family, I never realised what a gift an older sibling can be. Matt, I would credit you with being one of the major reasons why I haven't suffered from post natal depression during this maternity leave. You play a large part in my support system, and you're only 4. You care deeply for Toby and will always help me with him when asked, and often when not. Toby, you adore Matt and I'm pretty sure you're reaching so many milestones early because you simply want to keep up with your big bro.
Nobody makes Toby laugh as much or as easily as you do Matt, and it makes my hearty sing. Two kids has not been doubly or triply hard, like I was warned, not by a long shot. And it's because of you, my beautiful Matt. Thank you for all that you do to help your mummy with 'your baby' (as you refer to him), it is so very appreciated.
Love you both,
Mum xxx


Alllll the milestones

Dear Matthew and Toby
February has proven to be an exciting month in Toby's development! To start with, you have been sitting unsupported since about five months old (with a few face plants). We also took a swim together at the local aquatic centre, which you loved. We then started you on solids, and a banana was your first food, but you have come to love watermelon more-so, and you grab my hand while I'm holding a slice and keep it nice and close to your mouth so you can suck up the juice. At the playground we put you on a swing and you liked being slowly pushed back and forth (although you are just happy to be doing anything outside, as you often scream until I put you in the pram and take you for a walk).
The most amazing thing I have seen you do (before you're even half a year old!) is stand up and hold onto the couch by yourself, almost to the point of cruising. It is amazing to watch such a young baby show such strength in his legs and hold himself up for over a minute at a time. I know there's often no correlation between early milestones and later milestones like walking but it wouldn't surprise me at all if you walk early, purely because you are simply so motivated and determined Toby.
It has definitely been a great month in terms of watching our little baby become a little boy.
Love you two,
Mum xxx


Sunday, February 25, 2018

Freo with the fam bam

Dear Matthew and Toby
A few weeks ago we went into Fremantle and met up with your cousins, Aunty Chantel and Uncle Andrew. We had arranged to have a play on the Esplanade however as there was a festival happening we headed off to the Markets. After strolling through for a little while we decided to get some lunch from the Asian food court near by. Luckily we were able to get a table big enough for us all and enjoyed some yummy Indian and Chinese food (and the kids enjoyed some milkshakes too!).
Afterwards we headed to the small playground near the skate park and then Matt you joined most of your cousins on a trip around the ferris wheel.
It was an absolutely beautiful summer's day and we had a lovely time strolling around one of our most favourite places.
Love you,
Mum xxx