Sunday, February 25, 2018

First day of Kindy

Dear Matthew and Toby
This month marked the start of 4 year old kindy for Matt. After toilet training over Christmas and practising with your lunch box, you were all set to start at the big school Matt. Your teachers sent you a letter in the mail the day before school started with a poem about first day jitters and some magic confetti (to help with said jitters) which was a beautiful way to start the year.
On your first day we got up nice and early, you got all dressed and after a few photos we took off to school. The first day was really just an orientation where you got to meet your teachers and get to know your classroom and playground, but we ended up staying for over 2 hours as you were just having too much fun. We also picked up your uniform (see my Instagram for some cute pics) so you really looked the part of a kindy kid!
The next week you had one full day, followed by three full days by the third week. You haven't complained once so far, and are obviously learning a lot as you come home singing songs and insisting we clean up your room after playing 'in case the house sneezes'.
I'm so glad you seem to be enjoying yourself and are getting to have fun meeting lots of new people and doing some great activities. It makes my heart sing to see you so engaged and happy.
Love you boys,
Mum xxx



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