Saturday, April 28, 2018

Gingerbread obsession

Dear Matthew and Toby
Lately Matt, you have been absolutely obsessed with baking and 'decorating'. I think it stems from when you were at school one day and you made unladen bread with your lovely teacher Mrs Bollen. You obviously had a great time because you keep asking to make gingerbread or to decorate anything (by which I mean cover a slice of bread, or polony, in sauce, or chocolate spread, and cover with sprinkles, or grapes, or sultanas, ANYTHING I can find in the cupboard or fridge!).
So your wonderful dad gave in and together you made gingerbread together a few weeks ago, and you did so again today. Your Aunty Robyn and Kieran also got in on the action and made some gingerbread with you after family Sunday night dinner a few weeks ago.
You absolutely thrive in the kitchen, wanting to do everything we do, including crack eggs (you can do this perfectly and have since you were two!), mix batter, slice fruit, pour milk. Yesterday you and I made a banana cake covered in cream and sliced strawberries and apart from using the oven and whipping the cream, you made the entire thing yourself, and it was delicious!
You keep asking to be a chef which absolutely makes my heart sing because I am useless in the kitchen but it clearly makes you so happy. Keep doing what you love baby boy, it will only lead to a fulfilling, purposeful life where you'll never feel like you've worked a day of it.
Love you both,
Mum xxx


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