Friday, June 29, 2018


Dear Matthew and Toby

Recently we met up with Matt's godfather Dan, his wife Layla, and their daughter Florence to try out the new Naturescape playground in Kings Park.

This playground is unlike any I've ever been to, in fact, you get given a map of it when you arrive just in case you get lost! There's no typical plastic playground equipment, instead you are totally immersed in nature, with streams, rocks, trees, purpose built caves etc that kids can play in. They also had some wooden playing equipment with tunnels and ropes which was clearly great for risk-based activities. It's an awesome place and I wish it had existed when we were kids!

What I thought was even more interesting was that there was no typical grassed areas for picnics, instead we had our lunch in a 'pod', which was basically a small undercover area right near the water. It was great to catch up with Dan, Layla and Florence and to watch you boys exploring (Matt you particularly loved it). Hopefully we can return soon, maybe with your cousins who I know would love it too.

Love you boys,

Mum xxx

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