Friday, June 29, 2018

Toby's tenth month

Dear Matthew and Toby

The last couple of months of Toby's development have been so exciting. After walking so early (which you do confidently now), you finally started crawling around 9 months, Tobes. However it's a bit of a shuffle, you just use one foot to push yourself along and bring the other knee underneath you, but it works. Your deep blue eyes have turned into a greeny hazel and while you still only have two teeth, your top front two have been sitting under the gums for months. You love to RUN while holding on to my finger but have a thousand bruises and scabs on your head still from trying to coordinate yourself while doing so. You're clapping and waving and climbing stairs.

You're getting better in the car (hooray!) but you are sleeping lying across my body still all night (it's winter and cold I guess). When you wake up in the mornings I'm still met with your beautiful big smile, and up until recently you used to say 'ah-ghee!' while blowing air upwards. Speaking of words, your first words were dog-related, being 'da' for Soda and 'oof' for woof. 'Mumumum' wasn't far behind (thankfully? or not?) as well as 'ba' for ball, 'ber' for birds and 'buh-buh' for bye-bye.

You follow Matt's basic routine to the point where if Matt is having his teeth brushed, you also need to have yours brushed otherwise a meltdown follows. This is helpful when I want to put you to bed when Matt goes to bed, because you usually just go. You're having two short sleeps during the day the moment and still loving baths (I am giving you one daily at the moment as you sit in the baby tub on the bench happily which allows me to do the dishes/prepare dinner).

You love eating cheese and pasta and I may have been naughty and given you a few crumbs of cake which you devoured. You've become quite serious of late and are obsessed with your zoo book and abc animals book. It's been a bit challenging the past couple of days as it's school holidays and wet and we're all going a bit stir crazy in the house but I'm looking forward to getting out more and taking you for walks as you absolutely love being outside and will happily sit in the pram while I walk you anywhere the sun shines.

Love you boys,

Mum xxx

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