Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Reptiles and farm animals at the shops

Dear Matthew and Toby
During the school holidays the local shops held a reptile exhibit in the first week and had a petting zoo of farm animals the following week. Matt, while you loved the farm animals, you absolutely adored the reptiles, and I've never seen you smile bigger than when you got to hold one of the snakes (and when I say hold, I mean let it slither all over your shoulders). I remember doing this with you last year around the same time and you were besotted then too, so I wonder whether there's a career or at least a pet reptile in your future.
Your dad and I are going to try and book in a reptile company to come to your birthday which I'm sure you'll love. In the meantime you'll just have to survive with your dog and cats!
Love you boys,
Mum xxx 


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