Thursday, July 26, 2018

Ice skating

Dear Matthew and Toby
Another outing we enjoyed during the school holidays was going ice skating in Fremantle. We headed down one Saturday morning after Matt had asked a few times to go to the outdoor skating rink that is set up during winter in the carpark close to the Esplanade park.
When we arrived we checked out the bookings and decided to wait for a later session and went to the Mill House Bakery for breakfast while waiting. Matt, your daddy spoilt you with a spearmint milkshake and piece of delicious Jaffa flavoured cake, while he had a big breaky and Toby and I shared some yummy fruit salad. Afterwards we walked around for a bit and luckily Toby fell asleep on daddy in the baby carrier so that Matt and I could go ice skating together (daddy isn't a big fan of ice skating).
Matt, you were so confidant on the ice, even from the start when we got our ice skates you were so excited and just wanted to get out there. We'd rugged you up in a beanie and gloves and most importantly, thick socks (I'd learnt this from my childhood - never go ice skating without thick socks or a few pairs of thin ones as you'll easily get blisters). We had hired you a 'penguin' to hold on to while skating which was a good move! You pushed it around and although you did fall a couple of times, you got back up again and again which was so great to see. I honestly thought you would have had enough after fifteen or twenty minutes, but you skated for the whole one hour session! It was so nice to spend one on one time with you Matt, as we don't get that very much any more.
My favourite part of the session was when the fake snow was blasted out on to the ice and you were so impressed that it was snowing, your eyes lit up and you couldn't believe how lucky we were. It was such a lovely experience to see you enjoying skating, to be so resilient and to have such a beautiful sense of wonder and awe.
Looking forward to doing it again with you next year and with Toby in a few years' time.
Love you boys,
Mum xxx

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