Thursday, January 24, 2019

Christmas Day 2018

Dear Matthew and Toby

Christmas 2018! It arrived! I had been so looking forward to this Christmas mainly due to your excitement Matt, and with Toby copying everything you do, it was sure to excite him too.

As mentioned previously, we slept over your grandparents house on Christmas Eve so we woke to the bottom of the family Christmas tree being littered with presents from Santa, t the milk drunk and the carrots nibbled on. Matt, you helped distribute the presents to everyone and you and Toby had a great time opening presents together. Luckily Santa had brought you the Batbot you had requested, as well as a special surprise toy called Ryan's Mystery Egg (you are currently obsessed with Ryan's toy review, which is a youtube channel on which a kid named Ryan reviews toys with his parents) and your reaction to getting this toy was priceless (if you can, check out the video I have of it on Facebook). You also both got a number of other great toys and were spoilt rotten. Matt you gave me and your dad a beautiful apron you'd made at kindy covered in your handprints, I loved it.

Afterwards we had waffles together, went for a swim and had a water balloon fight with everyone. It was a lovely morning with the Constables.

For lunch we went to your dad's uncle Martin's house for lunch with your Nanna's side of the family. Matt you loved playing in the awesome pool with a few of your dad's cousins' kids and we all enjoyed a big lunch together. It was a very relaxing day.

Love you boys,

Mum xxx

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