Thursday, January 24, 2019

Mother's group catch up and Toby's first haircut

Dear Matthew and Toby

On the weekend before Christmas we caught up with our original Mother's Group. We reenacted the photo I had taken of Charlotte, Matt and Chloe when they were a few months old (maybe 3 or 4?) and then we took a photo including the five extra children that have joined the group since then!

We also had a swim in Hayley's pool and did a lucky dip Secret Santa which you both loved.

It was so nice for the families to catch up, especially given the journey we have all been on together throughout parenthood. I hope you stay friends with these kids your whole lives (Chloe and Lily are at your school so it might be easier with them!).

Toby, you also received your first haircut, by your dad, just a few chops off the back! You kept turning around when you could feel him touching your hair but he persevered and managed to tidy it slightly. Hopefully we'll get you a proper haircut soon!

Love you boys,

Mum xxx

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