Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Daddy's birthday

Dear Matthew and Toby

Last Saturday we celebrated your dad's 36th birthday. In the morning we had a yummy cooked breakfast, followed by your swimming lesson Matt and then a stop off at the local 'chippie shop' (Maccas) for a play and lunch.

In the evening we headed to Heathcote and celebrated with your Nanna, Darryl, Grandad, Aunty Chantel, Andrew and all of your cousins. Matt you had a great time running around the pirate ship playground and Toby you enjoyed spotting the boats out on the river from the lookout points. We had a delicious barbeque followed by a caramel glaze cake that we'd picked out together from the Cheesecake shop.

Afterwards when it had gotten dark we all headed down to the shoreline of the river where you and all the other kids enjoyed running up and down the sand, digging in it and looking at the beautiful view of the city.

You are both so lucky to have the dad that you do. Some of the things I am most grateful for include his patience with you both, his willingness to acknowledge and understand how you may be feeling, his involvement in your school and sporting life, and understanding how little boys function (something I have no idea about as a female other than from what I've ready in books). He loves seeing you both after a long day of work and you are both the most important things in his world.

Love you boys,

Mum xxx

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