Tuesday, February 5, 2019

First day of Pre-Primary

Dear Matthew and Toby

The start of this week marked the first day of Pre-Primary for you, Matt! And the beginning of full time school! You were pretty excited to get back to all your friends and you were lucky enough to get the same teacher as you had last year, Mrs Bollen.

We all dropped you off as a family and you put your bag on the hook before walking into your new classroom. You weren't stressed at all that you when we left and your feedback at pick up was that the day was 'fine and I played with Harrison and Georgia' so I think you're just back in the swing of things. It is great to see you so confident and happy at school.

Yesterday when your nanna went to pick you up she said you were so proud as you'd been given a certificate that said you'd had an amazing first day of kindy. Well done Matt! Looking forward to a wonderful year ahead at school.

Love you boys,

Mum xxx

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