Sunday, June 30, 2019

IKEA and Art Hub

Dear Matthew and Toby

We have had a pretty quiet June, which I am pretty grateful for given how busy the last few months have been! A couple of fun things we have done are taking a trip to IKEA to get new drawers for Matt's room and had a go at Art Hub on YouTube.

Our IKEA trip was a lot of fun, we had a good walk around and had a yummy lunch in the cafeteria. We managed to walk out with only a few extra things that we didn't know we needed to buy until we got there, which was a minor miracle in itself. You boys had a great time pushing the kids trolleys around. Tobes, you won't even let me hold the handle on the pole of the trolley- Mr Independent for sure!

Matt, you have also had a great time having a go at the Art Hub videos on YouTube. The videos slowly instruct you on how to draw various items (in the photos below you are drawing a cartoon banana). You have especially loved drawing minions and are getting better and better every day. I love watching your love for drawing develop- you are just like your dad as he is very talented at drawing.

Love you boys,

Mum xxx

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