Thursday, July 25, 2019

Harvey Farmstay

Dear Matthew and Toby

We recently went for a weekend stay in Harvey at a farm called Bluehills. We booked this trip months ago and you were both really looking forward to feeding the animals.

We arrived Friday evening and settled into our beautiful accommodation on the top of the hill. In the morning we woke to a gorgeous view, which included the Harvey Dam! We had a yummy cooked breaky and then grabbed a heap of carrots and headed down to feed the many animals on the farm. You both fed ponies, cows, sheep, chooks and rabbits. We were met by farmer Justin, who helped you both milk a cow and have a pony ride. We then hopped on the back of his ute and headed around the farm. He fed a cow a carrot out of his mouth, you fed the horses, he showed us how to crack his whip and caught a yabbie in his dam.

Afterwards we decided to head into town. Our first stop was the Harvey Cheese factory where your dad and I tasted some yummy cheese and you both enjoyed a yummy ice cream. After reading the events in the local paper, we then decided to head to Cookernup, which is a small town about 15 minutes drive away, as they were having a 125 year celebration. You ate fairy floss, has a ride on the old school fire engine, jumped on the jumpy castle and Matt you got your arm painted.

We then headed back to Harvey and decided to climb the giant orange. You both enjoyed climbing to the top and looking out over the orchard. For lunch we headed into town and stopped at a lovely local cafĂ©, which was perfect timing as it had just started to rain.

We enjoyed a relaxing afternoon back at the farm, playing hide and seek, roasting marshmallows and of course feeding the animals again.

In the morning we said goodbye to the animals and headed to Harvey Dam. We walked around the base and then climbed to the top. It was a lovely way to finish the weekend.

Love you boys,

Mum xxx