Thursday, July 25, 2019

School holiday fun

Dear Matthew and Toby

We've had a great start to the July school holidays! Over the past couple of weeks your grandparents have taken you to fun places like AQWA and the movies, and we've also squeezed in some fun stuff as a family.

One of the things we have done is go to the local shopping centre and pat the farm animals that were visiting. Tobes, you are a great height at the moment for some of the animals not have to jump up to get food from your cup, but a few of them still tried! Matt you were, as usual, in your element and enjoying patting and feeding all the animals, especially the llama.

We also kept up the tradition of going ice-skating in Fremantle as part of the city's winter festival. This was one of my most favourite things we did last year Matt, as it allowed us to have one-on-one time together. We started the morning with our usual breakfast at the Mill Bake House and then headed over to the ice rink that was set up in the car park nearby. We got our skates on while Tobes and daddy went and played on the playground (although they later came back and watched us). Matt you took a little while to get your feet this year (and you were getting a bit frustrated at times- on more than one occasion you shouted 'stupid penguin!') but by the end of it you were skating really well and having fun. You of course loved the 'snow' that gets pumped onto the rink at one point!

It's been a great holidays together!

Love you boys,

Mum xxx 



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