Thursday, July 25, 2019

Book Week, swimming and more!

Dear Matthew and Toby

Carrying on from my earlier post, I wanted to keep updating you on some of our day-to-day activities as I'm sure I'll have trouble recalling these in years to come!

At school we have recently had Book Week, and this year Matt you decided to dress up as a little pirate from the book 'Ten Little Pirates'. You were so cute in your outfit that day for school and you were over the moon when your teacher selected your book to read to the class.

We have also been doing swimming lessons on Saturdays this year. Matt, you are currently learning how to swim 5m of freestyle and Tobes you are very happy pottering around in the shallow area with daddy while Matt's class is on. In fact, you call this your 'swimming lesson' and I think it's way more beneficial that actually taking a class at your age (based on our previous experiences of baby swimming classes) as you get to explore the water on your own terms. As a result, you love the water and you're extremely confident in it. We will probably start you in proper classes in about a year but you're perfectly happy right now just doing your own thing.

We also took another trip to the zoo a few weeks back. Matt you love taking photos so you took the phone and enjoyed taking photos of the reptiles and koalas. You also got to hold a snake (your absolute favourite) so were pretty pumped.

As I mentioned in my last blog, you have also been doing art classes lately Matt. I have some photos below of your most recent work, which includes block work. It's so great to see you immersed in something so creative.

Tobes, I couldn't help but include the last couple of photos of you on the trampoline with your hair all sticking up from static electricity. You love the trampoline and you and I are often on in trying to jump up and touch the moon together!

Love you boys,

Mum xxx


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