Monday, September 23, 2019

Toby's 2nd Birthday and Father's Day

Dear Matthew and Toby

We recently celebrated Toby's second complete trip around the sun! This year it also feel on Father's Day, so we had a heap of wonderful people to celebrate that day!

For your presents Tobes we gave you a scooter (which you have quickly picked up the hang of after practicing on Matt's for many months), along with a toy whipper snipper and a tractor t-shirt. You loved them, although I think you also found the balloons just as fun :)

We gave your dad a few presents too, including face socks of the both you of you! Check out the photos below of your cute faces on the socks.

We then decorated Tobes' cake with 'chocolate rocks' and construction vehicles, as Tobes you're currently obsessed with any vehicles or machines that build/destroy etc. Gumps regularly takes you to local construction sites and you both just sit and watch the workers do their thing. Later in the Ma Ma and Gumps gave you a construction worker costume as a present and you've loved wearing it since.

We celebrated with an afternoon tea with the extended family later in the day. You absolutely loved the fairy bread and had a great time jumping on the trampoline with your cousins. You weren't quite sure what was happening when we sung happy birthday to you but were plenty happy to eat the cake!

Tobes, you have been such a blessing for our little family. I can't believe you're only two, it feels like you have always been here and your ability to reach developmental milestones so ridiculously quickly has not stopped or slowed. We are gob smacked at your speech and general alertness as to what is happening around you. You are a wonderful younger brother (and you are the perfect older brother to him Matt) and I can't wait to see you both play and develop your relationship further in the coming year. What lucky parents we are to have our boys.

Love you both,

Mum xxx


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