Monday, September 23, 2019

Penguin Island

Dear Matthew and Toby

During the school holidays we decided to take a day trip to Penguin Island. Your dad and I have lived in Perth all our lives and yet we had never been before. So we headed off nice and early and made our way down to Shoalwater. We hopped on the ferry and about five minutes later we had arrived on Penguin Island.

I think in my mind I had pictured a mini Rottnest Island, with penguins everywhere, but it was nothing like that! The island had a Penguin Conservation Centre, where 10 penguins who had been rescued for one reason or another were being kept, and we watched them being fed and learnt about what they did in the wild, which you both enjoyed.

We walked around the island for a while and saw many seagulls and a pelican nesting area (it was huge!). We had lunch in the grassed area while enjoying the beautiful view and then went to the beach to build sandcastles and run along the water's edge.

It was a beautiful family day out and fun exploring our own back yard!

Love you boys,

Mum xxx

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