Monday, February 24, 2020

Matt's unique haircut

Dear Matthew and Toby

One Saturday morning recently we woke up and after an hour or so your dad noticed something a bit different with your hair, Matt. As you can see from the photos below, there was a massive chunk missing from the middle at the front. We asked you what had happened because it looked like you'd taken an electric razor to it. It certainly hadn't happened on our watch, so we figured you'd done it at Ma Ma and Gumps' house the day before when they were babysitting you both. Your answer was that you'd gotten their orange scissors and cut it. We didn't quite know whether to believe you and you begged us not to tell Ma Ma and Gumps about it (it later came out that yes, you'd used their scissors to cut your hair and hidden the chunk of hair in your bedroom at their house). 

We couldn't believe none of us had noticed until the next day! Anyway with school starting very soon we needed to fix your unique looking head! So off we popped to the barber and you ended up with a buzz cut because there was very little else we could do to disguise your at-home 'do! Anyway at least you wouldn't need a haircut for a while!

Love you boys, 

Mum xxx

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