Monday, June 29, 2020

Park trip with Jorge

 Dear Matthew and Toby

This post is mainly for Toby, to remember how much you love your little friend Jorge. 

Jorge is my friend Robyn's eldest son, who is about six or seven months older than you Tobes. We met through a playgroup for attachment parents and you absolutely clicked with goegrous Jorge over the last year or so. It is so nice to see you two beautiful blondies running around together getting up to mischief! You seem to have your own little language and understanding of each other and you're both always giggling away :)

We recently went to a Manning Park in Hamilton Hill and you both loved playing on the playground, scooting, wading in the pond and running around like nutters together. It is so lovely to see you develop this and other friendships, lead by Matt's excellent example of being a great friend. 

Love you, 

Mum xxx

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