Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Josie's village and the things I did during labour


Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie,

Over the last month we've had a lot of visitors come have cuddles with you Josie, and play with you Matthew and Toby, so I wanted to share photos of all the beautiful people in our lives who love and care for us and who have welcomed you so warmly Josie. Scroll from the bottom up to see who has loved you from day one! Your mum, dad, brothers, grandparents, midwife, aunties, uncle, cousins, friends and extended family, and my work colleagues, have all showered you with cuddle after cuddle and we are so very blessed.

I also thought you might like to read the below post from my Instagram about all the silly things I did during your labour:

Still a bit in shock of the moment almost a month ago, when a baby was placed on my chest, who I’d managed to bring into this world all on my own. Something I didn’t think I’d ever get to experience. Full disclosure: it bloody hurt and wasn’t all rainbows and unicorns! Natural birth is hard!! But I don’t think I’ve been more proud of my body for pulling it off and my mind for looking fear in the face, knowing the risks, and doing it anyway. 

Some fun facts for future Deb to remember about what I did during the three days of labour that led to this moment:

1. Went shopping for newborn clothes at K-Mart because I realised at 40 weeks (when I finally got around to washing the boys’ old baby clothes) that we had barely any.

2. Did the school drop off and pick up and had a play date after school.

3. Drove to my parent’s house so they could look after the boys while I vacuumed the car and installed three car seats. 

4. Submitted my assignment for my Masters unit 5 days early to make sure it actually got submitted. Can say with certainty that at this point I. Did. Not. Care. About. The. Result. But I got the result back yesterday and it’s one of my best so far, so maybe labour kicks the brain into gear?! 

5. Hand-balled the delivery of cupcakes to a birthday party I knew I wasn’t going to make it to. 

6. I would wake up to a contraction, walk around the bedroom to get through it then fall back asleep until the next one arrived less than ten minutes later. Repeat all through the night. 

7. Brainstormed boys names with Neil at home while contractions were coming 2-3 minutes apart because we STILL didn’t have a final name for a boy (thank goodness it was never needed!). 

8. Cancelled play dates and acupuncture and OT appointments that I had booked because in my mind this baby wasn’t coming for another two weeks (denial, anyone?). 

We'll laugh about these someday Josie and they’ll form part of your birth story, my final birth story. We’ll laugh at the crazy things your mother did in the lead up to your birthday. But I’ll be thankful for each of them because they were all part of the journey that brought me to the extraordinary moment of meeting YOU!

Love you all, 

Mum xxx

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