Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Aunty Chantel's 40th birthday

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie,

A week after you were born Josie we headed out to your Aunty Chantel's 40th birthday party at Clancy's Fish Pub on the beach. I had truly thought I would still be pregnant for this event and not bringing along a one week old, but you seemed fine going out and about as you're still so little and just sleep most of the time! Everyone wanted to cuddle you, in fact I don't think I have any photos of you because you were off being held by every Tom, Dick and Harry and only returned to me when you needed a feed! 

Anyway, it was lovely to all be together celebrating your Aunty Chantel's milestone birthday. She has been such a wonderful aunty to you all (she's even one of your godmothers Tobes) and we all enjoyed a lovely meal together. Matt and Tobes, you loved running around outside with your cousins and I was lucky enough to bump into a friend (Matt's godmother's sister) who was providing the musical entertainment on the night - Perth is tiny! We loved listening to your Grandad's speech celebrating all of your aunty's achievements but Tobes I think we pushed you a bit too far and you ended up falling asleep on the floor -see below!

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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