Thursday, December 31, 2020

Christmas Day 2020


Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie,

Well after an eventful Christmas Eve, I was grateful to wake up to you all being safe and sound on Christmas morning! You rose not-too-early-ish (Josie, as you can see from the photos below, you even slept in and only joined us half way through present opening!) and were over the moon to see that Santa has delivered a bucket load of presents for you all. Matt, you received plenty of books, Robux, a fitbit watch, a wallet, a Pokemon card holder, sunnies, personalised Shapes biscuits, and of course Coco Pops to share (a Constable tradition). Tobes, you received your very much longed for pizza making set, a train set, Connetix magnetic tiles, a Construction book and a new fancy lunchbox as you'll be starting kindy soon. Josie you received the same lunchbox (Santa figured you'd need it eventually), a water bottle, a name puzzle and a ball. You all also received a joint present of a blow up water slide that Santa had secretly delivered to Ma Ma and Gumps' house. 

After all the fun of opening presents we headed to Ma Ma and Gumps' house for lunch. We opened presents with them and Aunty Robyn and Uncle Andrew and you were all spoilt again. We blew up the water slide and you enjoyed playing on that boys. Ma Ma and Gumps' friends Mary and Kim joined us for lunch (as their family is overseas and we're currently banned from travelling overseas during the pandemic) and we had the usual amazing spread that Ma Ma always prepares. At one point Tobes, Josie and your daddy were all having an afternoon siesta! But you soon awoke when dessert was brought out and boys you enjoyed making mini pavlovas from the pavlova grazing plate I'd put together. It was a lovely relaxed Christmas, a perfect way to spend your first Christmas Josie!

Love you all, 

Mum xxx

P.S. Scroll from the bottom up again!