Thursday, December 31, 2020

Putting up the Christmas trees!

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

With Christmas fast approaching we began the usual ritual of putting up the Christmas trees! As I'm sure you know, Ma Ma has about a dozen trees at her house but we always save the 'family tree' for us all to decorate together, so on the Friday before December we all went to their house to decorate and have a sleep over. Unfortunately we had left it quite late in the evening before we started and Tobes you fell asleep before we finished! But never mind, a couple of days later we had everyone else over to our place for our traditional December 1st dinner and decorated our tree all together, with everyone awake! You boys love decorating the trees and it brings me so much happiness watching you. Josie you watched from loving arms this year but no doubt next year you'll be right in the mix! I hope you remember that your Gumps always lifts one of you up to put the star on the tree, and that your Ma Ma has always, for my entire life, gone above and beyond to make sure that Christmas is the most special time of the year. I hope these memories stay etched in your heart and you carry on the traditions with your own family one day. 

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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