Saturday, October 31, 2020

Anniversary lunch and Toby's first trip to hospital

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie,

Given it's November, it would be remiss of us to not take you all to the Esplanade Hotel in Fremantle for lunch to celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary. We have done this every year since our wedding night, given we held our reception at the hotel. One day when we don't have a breastfed baby your dad and I may stay overnight by ourselves, but every single anniversary we've had one, and will probably still have one for a few years, so in the meantime we will all enjoy our time all together having a meal and talking about that special event back in 2012. It was wonderful knowing that finally all our children were here to celebrate our anniversary with us this year, and we had some yummy pizza, chips and milkshakes at the restaurant in the hotel together. 

We also had a funny but scary moment with you the next day Tobes. You had gotten up around 6am and your dad, Josie and I were all just watching early morning TV on the couch together while you played with little lego nearby. All of a sudden you turned around and started screaming that there was lego up your nose. You were so distressed that we knew you weren't making it up, so we tried to look up your nose with the torch on our phones and attempted to use tweezers to get it out, all the while you kept pushing your fingers up there trying to get it out and potentially pushing it further up. So we quickly made the decision to take you to the ER and your dad zoomed off with you. I think it was karma that this happened as I had just been chatting with Ma Ma about how you had never been to hospital other than when you were born Tobes, and now look! Anyway you were seen relatively quickly by the ER doctors who managed to get you to breath out through your nose while blocking the nostril without the lego in it, and out it popped! So lucky! The piece that ended up there can be seen in the photo below. I think you learnt your lesson to never put another piece up there after that trauma Tobes!

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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