Saturday, October 31, 2020

Book Week and Matt's school carnival

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie, 

Due to the pandemic, a lot of our usual events at school have been pushed out until the school has been legally allowed to hold them due to capacity of venues, number of attendees etc. A couple of those events were your school carnival and Book Week parade Matt. Unfortunately parents still weren't able to attend your Book Week parade, but at least you got to dress up and have fun at school in costume with your friends. This year you went as Pig the Pug from the book with the same title. You looked super cute, as you can see below! Tobes you wanted in on the action too so I can't wait until next year when you can dress up as something too, then I'll have two little cuties going off to school all dressed up! As you can see from the last couple of photos, you love dressing up regularly!

Luckily, given your school sports carnival was held outside, parents were able to attend as long as we stayed behind the designated barriers. It was quite a hot day and with Josie being so little we didn't last more than a couple of hours in the sun, but I got to see you race (getting so fast!) and do a couple of your team events. I'm so pleased you could still have a lot of fun with these events and that things have returned to semi-normal for you Matt. Hopefully soon parents will be allowed back on the school grounds, but at least it's helping foster your independence and you're acing the kiss and drop!

Love you all, 

Mum xxx 

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