Saturday, October 31, 2020

Josie at 2 months

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie,

Below is a summary of Josie's second month from Instagram:

Well it’s been a month of ups and downs Josie Wosie. Unfortunately when you were about five weeks old you developed mild colic, and would scream for up to an hour every evening during witching hour and there was absolutely nothing I could do to console you. You’d be smiling one second and red faced, hysterically crying the next. Some nights I’d cry too but I just did my best to cuddle you, jig around the room, take you outside, give you some Infants Friend etc until miraculously it stopped. This went on for three weeks and I *think* we’re now in the clear. Fingers crossed anyway. We also had your tongue tie cut which wasn’t a fun day, but I’m really glad it was done as you have so much more movement in your mouth now. On a good note, you are otherwise constantly smiling and starting to laugh, which is the most beautiful sound. Still sleeping well at night and hating the car (like I said, ups and downs). Your brothers are asking about when you’ll be able to join in their roughhousing and while my arms get tired sometimes, I’m glad you are still my little bubba. You are definitely growing though, will rolls aplenty and moving up to 00s. We had your first lot of needles and you were grizzly for a few hours but fine after that. I can’t believe I’m already 1/6 of the way through my maternity leave but I’m really looking forward to the next few months as we enjoy the lead up to our first Christmas with you. 

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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