Saturday, October 31, 2020

Matt's dance concert and karate grading

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

Being near the end of the year, there's a lot of events happening! In the past week you have had two important ones Matt: you school dance concert and your karate grading. Unfortunately as Josie is still so little I wasn't able to come to your concert, and given the coronavirus restrictions still in place, you were only allowed to invite a couple of people to come watch you (when in previous years we've been allowed to invite all your grandparents), so your dad and Aunty Robyn took you along. I was lucky enough to see the video of you dancing, and of course you absolutely rocked it with your class - you have always loved dancing and I am so grateful your school always includes a dance performance as part of the curriculum in term four. This year you performed to the song 'Song of the Heart'. 

I was very lucky however to be able to take you a few days later, with Josie, to your karate grading presentation. The previous week you had completed your grading and I was absolutely shocked to see how well you are now undertaking your moves and following instructions. Taking part in these classes has been absolutely fantastic for your discipline and the crew that run the classes are always so encouraging and positive. It's a wonderful community to be part of. As you can see, Josie watched on intently and was very happy to see you awarded your new green tip belt! So proud of you Matt! 

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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