Saturday, October 31, 2020

Matt's 7th birthday

 Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

October brings with it many birthdays and the most important of which is yours Matt! We celebrated your seventh birthday, it seems like yesterday that we were bringing you home from the hospital and now you're so big!! We are so proud of the sweet, empathetic, unique boy that you are, you make us proud every day and you are the most wonderful big brother to your siblings. You have been our forever-teacher on our parenting journey and we are so grateful to have the kindest of teachers showing us the way. 

So! To celebrate you, you opened your presents first thing in the morning (including new apps for your ipad, a scooter, yummy cereal (a family tradition) and lego, then headed off to school with treats for all your friends. After school we had a yummy pizza dinner with Grandad, Maree, Ma Ma, Gumps and Aunty Robyn at our place. You and Toby got to smash your piniata and Gumps ended up showing you how to karate punch it to get the lollies out. 

Two days later we had your actual party. You had chosen to have it at the local bowling alley after having so much fun bowling with your dad and friends for the Father's Day event recently. You had a great time smashing the pins and running around with your mates. We sung happy birthday and you cut the awesome Pokemon ball cake that your Aunty Robyn had made for you. It was a great day! We hope you had fun, our gorgeous 7 year old!

Love you all, 

Mum xxx

P.S. The photos are a little out of order, blog has been playing up lately!

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