Saturday, October 31, 2020

Playgroup Christmas and gingerbread with Aunty Robyn

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

Now that we're in November, Christmas is not so far away, and we've started to prepare, for what will be your first Christmas Josie! This is always such a special time of year, we are so lucky to be covid-free at this point and are just praying that we are safe over Christmas so that you kids get to enjoy the season as normal. Most children around the world will definitely be having a very altered version of Christmas. 

We started the season by having a Christmas party at your playgroup that we attend, Toby and Josie. This little playgoup is filled with school families and is an absolute highlight of our week, and it's proven invaluable since I've had you Josie, with all the mums pitching in to support me postpartum. It is a beautiful and caring community of women and kids and we are very lucky to be part of it. The coordinator arranged for little activities for you all (see below for a glimpse of your decorating skills Tobes) and a special visit from the big man with presents. Tobes I was surprised that you happily walked up to Santa when your name was called to collect your present, as I was expecting tears. Here's hoping we have a chance at a good Santa photo next month then as I'd written that one off for this year too! Anyway it was a lovely morning and I'm going to miss catching up with the group over the break but we'll be rejoining them again next year, at least until I return to work in late August. 

We also had Aunty Robyn over so that you and Matt could do your annual gingerbread house decorating. Now that there are three kids in our family my motto is officially do whatever amounts to the least crying so the houses were store-bought this year but you still had a heap of fun decorating them with icing and lollies. It's so special that you maintain this tradition with your aunty, and I hope you continue to do so for many many years to come. Can't wait to see all three of you taking part next year when you're around 15 months Josie!

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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