Thursday, December 31, 2020

Josie at 4 months and her first swim

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie,

I can't quite believe it but you're four months old already Josie! I have always loved this stage, it feels like you're much more robust than a little newborn but still very much my little baby. Below is what I wrote to you on my Instagram page:

4 months with Josie 💜

Josie, before you were born, when I was worried how on earth we’d cope with three kids, I remember saying to myself over and over ‘just make it to four months, you’ve seen twice before that four months is the turning point and things start to become easier’. It’s in moments like these that I’m grateful to have put in the hard yards with your brothers, as being a third time mama gives me the been-there-done-that knowledge to know not only that hard times will pass, but when! Not that you are a tricky baby, but things are infinitely easier now that I can sit you on my hip and leave you on the floor for extended tummy time. You can also spin around on your tummy so I find myself saying ‘what are you doing around that way?!’ and frantically searching the floor that was a second ago near your feet but is now near your mouth for any pieces of stray little LEGO. A million thank yous for being a bit happier in the car now, it has meant we have been able to get to the pool for a swim and to the shops without using the bus. You’ve been a bit sick this month, catching the same cough as your brothers which meant we have had a very low key Christmas. You are attempting to talk lots but given you’ve lost your voice from the cough it’s coming out very hoarse which is very cute. You are moving a lot more in your sleep and you’re enjoying sleeping on your tummy when in your bassinet. You’re gnawing on my fingers a lot so my guess is you’ll be like your biggest brother and get your teeth early, maybe even in the next month like he did. We’ve spent many days this month at home, and I’m grateful to have the option to just chill with you when we need to. Love you, my beautiful girl x

We also took you for your first swim at the local pool during Matt's swimming lessons (see photos down below). Like your brothers, you love the water and were perfectly happy sitting in it with me and your daddy. You are so cute in your little rashie and bather bottoms!

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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