Saturday, February 13, 2021

Josie at 6 months

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie, 

6 months of you baby girl ๐Ÿ’œ

Josie, this has been another beautiful month with you. I can’t believe we are halfway through your first lap around the sun already. You have been wizzing around in circles and backwards on your tummy for a while now, and sitting pretty well most of the time. You started solids and didn’t love it, but you devour water like it’s going out of fashion so I’m calling that a win. Most importantly, since we started back doing the school run there have been minimal breakdowns from either us in the car ๐Ÿ‘ and you very happily sit in the ergo while we walk Matt to his classroom every day. You love to dance with your brothers (Head and Heart seems to be your favourite) and you start laughing the second Toby starts spinning around in circles. Your personality is really beginning to shine, you’re pretty laid back until someone who is not an immediate family member decides to come into the house, then you let them know they’re not wanted by losing it ๐Ÿ˜†Fingers crossed things go ok this week when I leave you for the first time (I can’t believe we haven’t left each other’s side in half a year, I’m going to miss you at uni!). You love our animals and let them know by yanking fist fulls of fur from them any chance you get. You are still a happy sleeper-on-mummy and I can’t believe how much sleep we still get from this method (what are sleep regressions again?!). These updates are reminding me in very real terms to savour your gorgeous squishiness Josie because as they’re very evidently proving, babies don’t keep ๐Ÿ’•

Love you all, 

Mum xxx

P.S. Josie you're wearing the outfit your Aunty Robyn made you for Christmas in these photos. 

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