Monday, March 29, 2021

Josie at 7 months

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie, 

7 months 💕

My beautiful Josie-boo, it’s been a busy month! Your first tooth has finally made an appearance, you are sitting confidently, crawling a little and getting up to standing. You are our quickest mover, but you’ve got just five weeks to be our quickest walker given Tobes was just over eight months when he took his first steps! You are also our quickest talker, saying ‘mumumum’ to get my attention, ‘Ma’ for Matt and ‘Buh’ for Toby, all the while smacking your leg with your hand as if to say ‘Oi! Come play with me!’ You also click your tongue to get the cats’ attention, something we taught you that your brothers also picked up early. You’ve tried a few foods now like watermelon, puréed apples, avocado and bananas but you’re not really keen on any of it. You’ve definitely discovered your tongue through and you’re poking it out every few minutes! I left you for the first and second time this month to get to uni and you seemed to have turned a corner and are fine with Nanna, a huge milestone given you still normally crack whenever someone other than your immediate family walks through the front door. You love playing in the sandpit after school with the big kids and will happily crawl about and eat a good mouthful of sand. Afterwards we have a shower and you like the water, just like you enjoy splashing in the pool while the boys have their swimming lessons. You are still a good sleeper so long as we’re cuddling all night, which is perfectly fine with me! Your personality is really starting to shine and you get super excited, sport a massive grin and lunge for me whenever your brothers run into the room. They are your favourite people and although Toby has a propensity to sit on you, the feeling is mutual. Looking forward to your first Easter this week and the school holidays to take things a little slower and enjoy your deliciousness!

Love you all, 

Mum xxx

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