Monday, March 29, 2021

Harmony Week

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

This week we celebrated Harmony Week at school and kindy, which is essentially where we celebrate all people, countries and cultures. Tobes you were asked to dress in your traditional clothing so of course the best we could come up with was green and gold gear and a cork hat!! Nothing says 'Aussie bogan for five generations' quite like the cork hat! We also had to bring our country's traditional food for a shared morning tea, so of course we brought along lamingtons!

Matt at your school everyone was asked to dress in orange which is the Harmony Week colour and coincidentally your class was putting on their assembly the same day you were to dress up. Your class sang a beautiful song about inclusion and friendship and of course I lost the plot crying when I heard you all sing. I emailed your teachers afterwards telling them what a fantastic job they were doing with your class, fostering community like that! I think I partly also was crying at being allowed back onto your school grounds AND be attending a school assembly. With COVID there's no guarantee things will stay the same from one hour to the next (when your reading this that may sound ridiculous, but during the pandemic all it took was one press conference, and one new outbreak to change our lives dramatically in a second) so being able to witness you singing with your classmates was amazing. 

I also had to include the last photo on this post as it's the first time I've had two kids sit in the trolley together and it's just so cute! Look at your Tobes and Jose!!

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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