Monday, April 12, 2021

Easter 2021

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie, 

Your first Easter was quickly upon us Jose! In our usual tradition (unless COVID or some other random thing the last few years decides to throw at us prevents it, like last year), we had brunch on Good Friday at Ma Ma and Gumps' house. We headed over in the morning and enjoy a beautiful sunny day on the verandah. Boys, you helped Gumps make the waffles and we then filled our bellies together. Afterwards Ma Ma set up an Easter egg hunt for you to run around and collect the eggs. We then all had a swim in the pool to cool off. I have always loved how relaxed our Good Fridays are :)

On Easter morning a few days later you all awoke to find that the Easter bunny had come during the night! He'd left his footprints everywhere and Easter eggs galore, even in the bathroom! Josie you enjoyed your first taste of chocolately goodness and boys you screamed (and fought a little over the eggs) with delight as you raced around collecting your loot. We had another brunch a few hours later at our place with your dad's side of the family, and you got to have yet another egg hunt in the backyard with your cousins! And all-round good Easter!! I am again forever grateful to have celebrated another special weekend with our extended family knowing everyone is safe to do so. We are so, so lucky to live where we do and have the leaders we do. Never take our safety for granted, or moments like these, my beautiful kids. 

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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