Monday, April 12, 2021

Josie at 8 months

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

8 months of you Josie-boo 🧡

You’ve had a busy month Jose! At the end of last month your first two teeth had just popped through and they’ve now made all their way up. I can see your front top teeth just under your gums ready to join them. You’ve taught yourself to crawl quickly and I have to check on your often when I put you on the mat to play as you can move out of sight quick smart. You’re pulling up to standing, standing unassisted and walking while holding onto something like the couch. You’re still sleeping well, especially now we can cuddle more with the cold weather setting in and longer nights. You are absolutely devouring food now, munching away on watermelon, banana, apples, puréed veggies and beef, puréed blueberries and muesli, pasta and whatever else I may be eating that you inevitably grab off my fork! You’re almost too big for your capsule so we’ll be putting you in a big girl seat soon. We took another trip to Mandurah and celebrated your first Easter.  You’ve been a trooper these past few weeks while we get ready to move (while helping me pack you pulled yourself up on a box then slipped and fell, landing cheek first on the box corner- not fun) but still won’t let other people hold you so moving day is going to be interesting 😆You do however adore your brothers and could play with them for hours on end. Love you beautiful girl.

Love you my gorgeous kiddies,

Mum xxx

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