Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Our first family walk in our new 'hood

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

In our old house we lived only a couple of doors down from the local school which had a number of playgrounds, as well as other sports ovals that we used to play on, so it was important for us to find the local parks in our new area quickly. On our first family walk we found one only a couple of minutes away, with a big oval, a playground and a basketball court. It is surrounded by beautiful trees and Soda loved running around with the other dogs that were down there. 

Since then we've also ventured down to the lakes and the massive playground about fifteen minutes walk from our house. We are very lucky to live where we do and I'm still pinching myself as it just doesn't feel real. I hope we can give you a wonderful childhood here. 

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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