Thursday, February 24, 2022

Scitech visit and Josie's obsession with shoes and climbing

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

We have recently become Scitech members after Toby fell in love with the building wall in the toddler/preschooler area when we visited with friends. We've been visiting for mornings here and there and recently went while the bubble show was on, which you absolutely loved Josie! Check out the pics below for all the cool exhibits we get to experience when we go, including the cool glow in the dark one Tobes (Josie this one freaks you out a bit). 

Josie you have also become a bit obsessed with shoes, and you're constantly putting mine or your dad's shoes on and attempting to walk around the house with them. It's just too cute, and you keep saying 'shoes, shoes!' over and over until we help you put them on. You stack it a bit but you don't seem deterred. You have also started climbing absolutely everything (check out the final pics of you climbing onto my work desk). I recently came home from getting my eyebrows waxed and walked into the family area to see you walking up and down on the dining table while your dad was watering the garden outside. You find it so hilarious, that I don't even try and scold you anymore, I just pick you up and put you back down on the ground (and you inevitably try again to get up on the table). You are yet to fall off the actual table top but have stacked it a few times off the chairs so fingers crossed we don't end up in the ER anytime soon with injuries, you crazy climbing girl!

Love you all, 

Mum xxx