Thursday, February 24, 2022

Daddy's birthday

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

Today we celebrated your daddy's birthday! This is his last year of his 30s and we are already planning a big bash for him next year back down in Mandurah! We celebrated this year with presents, a catch up with your cousins down at our local park and and a yummy dinner with his favourite (cheesecake) dessert. Your dad sacrifices so much for our family, he works a very demanding job and still puts in so much time with you guys, like helping with homework and playing games together. He has been my best friend for almost seventeen years and I would be lost without him, even though we often fight like cats and dogs. I hope you know that we are all so lucky to have him and it was great to celebrate him today. 

Love you all,
Mum xxx

P.S. Check out Soda in the first photo below and the gorgeous photos of you boys at the bottom of this post. You have always found solace in sleeping near each other and it makes my heart so happy that you continue to do so.  


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