Thursday, February 24, 2022

Starting year three and kindy, and drinking water off the floor!

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

I can't believe it's February already, it seems like I binked and January was over. The holidays have been great fun and now it's back to school! Matt you're in year three and Tobes you start at the big school this year in kindy! Matt you have a male teacher for the first time and are very excited as lots of your close friends are in the same class. Tobes you have the same teacher that Matt had for kindy and pre-primary and she is an absolute angel so I'm so happy you're in her safe hands. You were both very excited to start! When I asked you what you wanted to be when you grow up for your boards (check out Facebook for these as I don't like to put them in public), Tobes you answered that you want 'to just play' and Matt you said you wanted to be a restaurant manager :) With restrictions still being quite tight we ended up dropping your books and everything last week at school so that we could just drop you at your classroom doors today (Tobes I helped you find your school bag spot, tray and water bottle spot etc) and you were both happy as Larry to go on inside yourselves. Here's hoping the year continues on this way! 

Josie looks like it's just you and me for a few days this year! I don't think you'll be too bothered - you have taken to drinking off the floor (see photos) so this will give you plenty of time to perfect your craft!

Love you all,
Mum xxx

P.S. Tobes, we also gave karate a go for you to see if you like it - you look so cute in Matt's old gear in the photos below! You were happy to do the exercises but I think the pace was a bit too slow for a four year old so we may just leave classes for you for a bit. 


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