Monday, November 28, 2022

Matt's on the news and received a second merit certificate!

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

Matt you've been so busy and brave lately! For the second time this year, you were awarded a merit certificate. I was so proud of the reason too - 'For your perseverance and willingness to take on challenges. Matthew you have achieved a great deal this year!'. You have absolutely smashed year three and have come ridiculously far since the start of the year. This is due to your hard work and determination to learn, including doing tutoring with your lovely tutor Tara for over two years now. You have also been doing group psychology sessions which have proven to be helpful, and very fun according to you! We are so proud of you buddy. 

We also went to a new park in Bull Creek that just opened and while we were there, a news crew dropped by as they were putting together a segment on free things to do in the upcoming school holidays. Matt you were very happy to be filmed as part of the segment, both playing on the playground and by the interviewer who asked you what you liked best about the park. We are so proud that you were happy to do this. We watched it on the news days later :)

Love you all, 

Mum xxx

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