Monday, November 28, 2022

'Santa photo' and putting up our Christmas trees

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

As this is our tenth Christmas as parents, and we've done Santa photos with you boys as toddlers, we knew it was not worth taking Josie to see a Santa at the shops. We knew it would be one of 'those years' where we needed a fill-in Santa to do the job. So we recruited Gumps again to be Santa and we had a make-shift Santa photo with this. Tobes you look very strained it in but we got it done! 

We also, of course, spent time at Ma Ma and Gump's house putting up the family tree with them and Aunty Robyn. Matt it was lovely to see you asking questions about so many of the decorations that I used to put on this exact tree when I was your age (in fact, I think the first year we got the family tree, I was nine years old just like you). You loved looking at the handmade ones and the ones with photos of me, your Uncle Andrew and Aunty Robyn as kids. Tobes you enjoyed hiding the pickle decoration and finding it with Gumps, and watching the traditional movie we watch when putting up the tree, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Josie you enjoyed pulling decorations off the tree, so we made sure all the expensive ones were up top! A few days later we all had dinner at our house together and then put our own family tree up together there too. Josie you loved playing with the bead garlands, Matt you liked putting up your special decorations like the fish you got last year, and Tobes you were happy to chill on the floor after putting one up :)

Bring on my favourite season - the silly one!

Love you all,

Mum xxx

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