Monday, February 13, 2023

First day of Year 4 and Pre-Primary

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

The summer holidays have come to an end and with that you're back to school boys! Matt you are going into Year 4, and you have the same teacher that you had last year which we are stoked about as you clicked so well with him and had your best year of school yet. Tobes you are going into full time school for the first time, starting Pre-Primary! 

Your dad took you both to school to see your classrooms/drop off your school books (and meet your new teacher Tobes) the day before school started so you were both comfortable. Tobes you even gave your new teacher a hug on the way out so I knew you'd be fine! On your first day we all went as a family and you were both super excited to be there. Tobes you have a lot of the same friends from last year and Matt you have a couple of close friends in your class too. 

After a week or so the school held their parent info night and it was great to see that they've come a long way over the last year and will be improving their communication. There are also heaps of opportunities available to you both. Matt you will be able to continue with your basketball and choir at school, which you really enjoy. For homework yours seems even less than last year Matt, with just spelling words, times tables and Lexile readers. Tobes you just need to do some reading comprehension and make a start on Reading Eggs, which you already enjoy doing. 

Looking forward to a great year for you both!

Love you all, 

Mum xxx

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